Sunday, December 29, 2019

Biblical Events That Will Happen - 977 Words

1. 11-11-11 is a movie about biblical events that will happen on the date November 11, 2011. On this chosen date a dimensional window will open and something spectacular will happen. But the writer Timothy Gibbs known as Joseph Crone do not realize that this event is about to take place and he is the main character in this phenomenon. Mr. Crone is currently a successful writer in this movie that is having nightmares about his mother and brother dying in a fire when he was a little boy. This child hood trauma is causing Crone not to go outside and have any human contact of any kind with anyone. Crone, a soon to be suicidal writer believes that he has no purpose in life and that there is no such thing as God. He also receives numerous strange phone calls telling him not to go to Spain in which his surviving brother and father lives. Strangely he receives a phone call from his brother, a coincidence, that his father is dying and his brother needs him to come to Spain and see him. He get s to Spain and see his sickly father, and his father tells him on his death bed that he needs to protect his brother because he is a great teacher and prophet and there will be people trying to stop him from preaching. Shortly after only being in Spain only 48 hours he realize something ghostly is happening and he can’t quite get a grasp of what’s going on so he starts to research but his brother denies that there is no evil behind what is happening its only in his mind. Crone is still seeingShow MoreRelatedStudy the Bible!1551 Words   |  7 PagesStudy the bible! : The Use of Bible Allusions in Literature Biblical references are a technique used in literature by authors to alter readers perceptions. The readers beliefs are challenged by using biblical references in literature. In â€Å"The Gospel According to Mark† by Jorge Luis Borges, Borges uses many biblical references to give readers a different view of the main character. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Parsons And Bales Family Structure And Gender Roles

In our current society, the average household must have two adults working full time to achieve economic stability and to at least have a chance at reaching the â€Å"middle class†. Parsons and Bales’ piece on family (written during 1955) is notable for being one of the first studies on family dynamics. Parsons and Bales expressed confidence that family structure will attain long term stability through universal â€Å"modern† reconfiguration which incorporated a nuclear family structure and gender role specialization. Although, specific socioeconomic conditions during the 1950’s permitted this family structure to work, by the 1980’s this organization of the family would prove unstable. Although, Parsons and Bales theory of the family made sense†¦show more content†¦Parsons uses the family norms of the 1950’s to define the â€Å"ideal† family. Parsons praised the benefits of gender role specialization, implying that it would cr eate spousal interdependence and thus marital stability. However, Parsons failed to recognize the flaws in his model and how external social conditions change and thus complicate his model of the family. It is important to understand Parsons and Bales’ model of the family because many social policies and economic practices still assume that American families should conform to the family structure described by Parsons. Parsons and Bales develop fundamental assumptions about 1950s society that allow them to build their model of the ideal â€Å"modern† family. The underlying assumptions are everchanging and not true of our current society and thus are the main reasons why the their model of the family is inefficient and unattainable. One assumption made is that the industrial economy is the significant force behind the emergence of the male breadwinning family. He failed to consider the social conditions that influenced the model’s prominence during the 50’s . Parsons had very little actual observations or statistics that supported the popularity of his model of the nuclear family. Rather, it could be argued that his theory was mostly based on speculation. Studies show that the nuclear familyShow MoreRelatedIn The Past, Gender Roles Specialization As So Pronounced1425 Words   |  6 Pages In the past, gender roles specialization as so pronounced that females and males had very different roles and responsibilities assigned to them. In most of the cultures, men were the breadwinners while women were house managers and assuming the roles of caregivers. However, in the contemporary world, material foundations linked to gender role specialization have weakened with the caretaking work that was used to define females disappearing. Nevertheless, studying gender role specialization fromRead MoreWhy Do Women Occupy the Subordinate Position in the Sex/Gender System851 Words   |  4 PagesPosition in the Sex/Gender System? Gender inequalities between males and females have been existent since time began. In the Bible, these gender inequalities are evident with Eve (woman) causing the fall of man and the distancing from our â€Å"Father† and our banishment from Paradise, the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:7). Not only that, the very creation of Eve, being of Adam and Adam being of God, highlights that women are seen as an afterthought in creation. This brief essay will examine gender inequalitiesRead MoreA Modest Disagreement : How A Changing Society Has Transformed The Family1463 Words   |  6 Pagessociety has transformed the family Dear Dr. Parsons: I recently attended your talk in Boston and, while I was interested in much of what you had to say, I do have some notable points of disagreement. In your paper, which you co-wrote with Robert Bales (who was nowhere to be found at the talk) in 1955, you argue that the family is at a point of stability in the 1950s that you say will last. 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While the idea is the initial, yet difficult, st ep to tackle populationRead MoreGender And Sexuality Using Cathexis, Analyse And Discuss A Newspaper Article By The Telegraph Essay1643 Words   |  7 Pagesessay will briefly outline the distinctions between gender and sexuality using cathexis, analyse and discuss a newspaper article by the Telegraph, argue that masculinity in crisis is a paradox that is caused by discourses in masculinity such as the hierarchy of hegemonic, marginalised and subordinated masculinities as shown in Connell’s hegemonic masculinity model and the tensions that arise as a result. Firstly, the distinctions between gender and sexuality. Cathexis states that the relationshipRead MoreFamily Dynamics And Family Structure1441 Words   |  6 PagesDear Dr. Parsons, As a structural functionalist, you mainly study specific societies by classifying the major structures of society and then asking the question, how does this matter. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Fundamentals of Computer Free Essays

string(57) " of system programs that perform a variety of functions\." entExamination Paper: Fundamentals of Computer IIBM Institute of Business Management Semester-I Examination Paper MM. 100 Fundamentals of Computer Section A: Objective Type (20 marks) ********************************************************** Multiple Choices: 1. b. We will write a custom essay sample on Fundamentals of Computer or any similar topic only for you Order Now 2 types 2. b. 1 or more input signals to produce output 3. d. Both (a) (c) 4. b. Non-volatile 5. c. Direct-access storage device 6. c. Multiple object program files of any software 7. a. Are geographically distributed 8. b. Way in which the network’s nodes are linked together 9. a. World wide web 10. . General purpose electronic equipment for homes Fill in the Blanks: 1. Multimedia applications are multimedia presentation, foreign language learning, multimedia Kiosk and †¦multimedia books, e books, digital library, video games, animation films virtual shops†¦ 2. Computer audio deals with synthesizing, recording and †¦Palying audio†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ with a computer. 3. Collating sequence is ordering of symbols in an †¦encoding†¦. standard. 4. Binary coded decimal is a †¦6-Bit†¦ Code. 5. The logic gates are interconnected to form gating or logic networks known as †¦combinational†¦.. ogic circuits. 6. †¦CPU†¦. is the brain of a computer system. 7. The term †¦software†¦. refers to a collection of programs. 8. Program errors are known as †¦bugs†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9. Documentation†¦. is the process of collecting, organizing storing and maintaining a complete historical record of programs. 10. File organization†¦ deals with physical organization of records of a file for convenience of their storage and retrieval. Section B: Short Questions (20 marks) 1. What is data processing? Data processing is a series of actions on input that converts the input into useful output. In data processing, input is data and output is the useful information. In consists of three sub activities: Capturing input data, manipulating it and producing output information. People, procedure and devices are required to produce the output from the input data. 2. What is a file management system? File management system is a set of programs which help the users to organize, create, delete, update and manipulate their files. Its common features are as described below. a. Transaction file: It stores the input data until the application uses it during next processing cycle. b. Master file: It contains all current data relevant to an application. c. Output file: some applications use multiple programs. One program takes the output of another program as input; hence the former program stores the output as an output file. d. Report file: It is a copy of report, generated by application in computer accessible form. e. Backup file: It is a copy of file crated by user or system to avoid loss of data due to corruption or deletion of original file. 3. What is a computer network? Computer network is a group of computers which are linked to each other via internet. The computers on network can communicate with each other and can share information. Four basic service provided by internet to its users are electronic mail, file transfer protocol, telnet and use net news. The common network types are personal area networks (PANs), local area networks (LANs), metropolitan area network (MANs), campus area networks (CANs) and wide area network (WANs). 4. What is a secondary storage? The additional memory needed in all computers to overcome the limitations of primary storage (Limited capacity and Volatile) is called secondary storage. t is nonvolatile and has lower cost per bit stored. It operates generally at slower speed than primary storage. Computer system uses it primarily to store large volume of data on permanent basis. Commonly used storage devices are hard disk, CD ROM, DVD, memory card and Pen drive. Section C: Long Questions (20 marks) 1. Explain the printing mechanism of laser printer. Mechanism of Laser Printers: Transfer of Data The very first step in laser printing is the transfer of data from a computer to the memory of the image processor of a printer. Writing Data Now, once the data is transferred to the printer’s memory, it is written to the printer’s drum with the help of a laser. The drum will keep rotating and the moment it rotates past the laser, it sweeps off the printer’s surface neutralizing some spots to about -100v. These spots are the areas where the toner remains stuck to the drum and further gets transferred to the paper. Inserting the Paper and Pickup Process of the Toner Once the writing process is over, you need to add papers to the printer. Keep the papers into the printer’s paper tray. The feed rollers inside the printer pull the paper inside and the registration rollers hold it till its release. As the drum keeps on rotating, the toner settles down in an area which is at a charge of about -100v and remains attached to the drum till the paper comes in. Transfer of the Toner to the Paper Now, the complete toned image is created on the drum. The moment you apply the paper to the printer, the toner transfer process starts. The transfer corona applies a charge of about +600v to the paper and when the paper passes through the drum, the toner which is at a charge of about -100v gets transferred to the paper. Further, the paper passes through a static charge eliminator that decreases the positive charge in the paper, with the help of its negative charge. Fusing The process of fusion takes place in order to secure the printout by melting the minute plastic fragments present on the toner’s surface, so as to fix them to the paper fibers. Laser printers are handy when it comes to fast, bulk and quality printing. But high prices and some health risks such as respiratory disorders due to the release of some harmful sub-micrometer particles are some of the disadvantages associated with laser printing. However, this kind of printer still remains the first choice for most of the organizations when it comes to printing. 2. Explain the importance of system software for a computer system. System Software is a set of programs that manage the resources of a compute system. System Software is a collection of system programs that perform a variety of functions. You read "Fundamentals of Computer" in category "Papers" * File Editing * Resource Accounting * I/O Management * Storage, Memory Management access management. System Software can be broadly classified into three types as: System control programs: It Controls the execution of programs, anage the storage processing resources of the computer perform other management monitoring function. The most important of these programs is the operating system. Other examples are database management systems (DBMS) communication monitors. System support programs: It provide routine service functions to the other computer programs computer users: E. g. Utilities, libraries, performance monitors job accounting. System development programs assists in the creation of application programs. E. g. , language translators such as BASIC interpreter application generators. Application Software: It performs specific tasks for the computer user. Application software is a program which program written for, or, by, a user to perform a particular job. Languages already available for microcomputers include Clout, Q A and Savvy ret rival. The use of natural language touches on expert systems, computerized collections of the knowledge of many human experts in a given field, and artificial intelligence, independently smart computer systems – two topics that are receiving much attention and development and will continue to do so in the future. 1. Operating System Software Storage Manager Process Manager File – System Manager I/O Control System Communication Manager 2. Standard System Software Language Processor Loaders Software Tools 3. Application Software Sort/Merge Package Payroll/Accounting Package DBMS General-purpose application software such as electronic spreadsheet has a wide variety of applications. Specific – purpose application s/w such as payroll sales analysis is used for the application for which it is designed. Section D: Applied Theory (40 marks) 1. What is a computer virus? How does a typical virus works? When a computer system suffers from virus infection, how it is cured? Defenition: Computer virus is a small software programs that are designed by human to spread from one computer to another and to interfere with normal computer operations. Work of Typical virus: The A computer virus is most often defined as â€Å"a malicious code of computer programming†. What this means is that a computer virus is just another software, written with not so very noble intentions. A computer virus is designed to install, propagate and cause damage to computer files and data without the knowledge and/or express permission of the user. A computer virus can only survive, attack and propagate in computer memory. Computer memory is usually the RAM (and all different variations of it) and disk storage (hard, floppy and everything in between). Besides this you will not find computer viruses in your monitor, keyboard and certainly not in your own blood stream! The first step in any virus attack is always the invasion. This is when the virus actually enters the computer system from an outside source. Much of the effort in preventing a virus attack lies in understanding what these virus entry points are and how best to monitor and block out any possible intrusion. All viruses enter the computer system through two main entry points: the disk network adapter card is most likely your computer network and/or modem card connected to the local Intranet and/or the Internet. Virus enters through the network card most likely disguised in the form of attachments in e-mails. These attachments are often program files and office documents containing macros. Besides this, certain webpages that we visit on the Internet may also contain harmful programming codes that might transfer virus or virus-like codes into our system. To guard our systems against virus intrusion from these sources, many good anti-virus programs allows users to completely scan all files read form disk drives or downloaded from the Intranet/Internet. How do virus infections occur? The act of infection often begins with a harmless looking action such as opening a file (like a video game or a Word document) that one often gets in e-mail attachments or while accessing any disk in a disk drive. These actions inadvertently activate the virus lurking in these files and disks. The virus then installs itself into the computer’s memory. Computer system suffering from virus infection: After entering the computer memory, a virus often immediately sets out to multiply and spread duplicate copies of itself across the main data storage device (most often the hard disk drive). It does this by copying itself into as many files it can find on the disk drive. Later when users transfers or copies these files to their friends and colleagues, the virus gain entry into ever increasing number of systems. If the virus has found its way to this level of the user’s computer, the user runs a high risk of permanent damage to data and hardware. But such a level of infection only happens to two types of users. The first are those who do not employ any kind of anti-virus measures (or if they do, it obviously isn’t doing a good job). The second are those who do have good anti-virus programs installed and running but did not bother updating their software with the latest virus data files. As a result newer viruses can actually use the anti-virus programs to infect an even greater number of files. So we can see here that having good anti-virus software isn’t enough. One must constantly keep it updated (preferably on a monthly basis). If a virus were to just spread itself, users might not have much to worry about. But the worst is yet to come. Many viruses contain what is called a payload. This is the destructive sequence that is activated on a certain trigger. The trigger may be the arrival of a particular date or an action done by the user. The effect of the payload can be anything as benign as some harmless message appearing on screen to as frightening as the destruction of the disk drive’s boot record – making it completely unusable and in most cases completely irreparable. Indeed it is the later that causes permanent lose of data and hardware and which is responsible for the virus’ notorious reputation. If a virus is capable of unleashing its payload on the user’s system, this indicates a serious breach of security on part of the user. It’s time for the user to learn from the experience and never let computer virus have a second chance. How do I know if my computer has been infected? After you open and run an infected program or attachment on your computer, you might not realize that you’ve introduced a virus until you notice something isn’t quite right. Here are a few indicators that your computer  might  be infected: * Your computer runs more slowly than normal * Your computer stops responding or freezes often Your computer crashes and restarts every few minutes * Your computer restarts on its own and then fails to run normally * Applications on your computer don’t work correctly * Disks or disk drives are inaccessible * You can’t print correctly * You see unusual error messages * You see distorted menus and dialog boxes How to Cure: R emove a virus manually: Sometimes a virus must be removed manually. This can become a technical process that you should only undertake if you have experience with the  Windows  registry and know how to view and delete system and program files in  Windows. First, identify the virus by name by running your antivirus program. If you don’t have an antivirus program or if your program doesn’t detect the virus, you might still be able to identify it by looking for clues about how it behaves. Write down the words in any messages it displays or, if you received the virus in email, write down the subject line or name of the file attached to the message. Then search an antivirus vendor’s website for references to what you wrote down to try to find the name of the virus and instructions for how to remove it. Recovery and prevention: After the virus is removed, you might need to reinstall some software or restore lost information. Doing regular backups on your files can help you avoid data loss if your computer becomes infected again. If you haven’t kept backups in the past, we recommend that you start now. 3. Write short notes on: (a) The OSI model (b) Internetworking tools (c) Distributed computing systems (a) The OSI model The Open System Interconnection, model defines a networking framework to implement protocols in seven layers. This article explains the 7 Layers of the OSI Model. The  OSI, or  Open  System  Interconnection, model defines a networking framework to implement protocols in seven layers. Control is passed from one layer to the next, starting at the application layer in one station, and proceeding to the bottom layer, over the channel to the next station and back up the hierarchy. a. Application Layer This layer supports  application  and end-user processes. Communication partners are identified, quality of service is identified, user authentication and privacy are considered, and any constraints on data  syntax  are identified. Everything at this layer is application-specific. This layer provides application services for  file transfers,  e-mail, and other  network  software  services. Telnet  and  FTP  are applications that exist entirely in the application level. Tiered application architectures are part of this layer. b. Presentation Layer This layer provides independence from differences in data representation (e. g. ,  encryption) by translating from application to network format, and vice versa. The presentation layer works to transform data into the form that the application layer can accept. This layer formats and encrypts data to be sent across a  network, providing freedom from compatibility problems. It is sometimes called the syntax layer. c. Session Layer This layer establishes, manages and terminates connections between  applications. The session layer sets up, coordinates, and terminates conversations, exchanges, and dialogues between the applications at each end. It deals with session and connection coordination. d. Transport Layer This layer provides transparent transfer of data between end systems, or  hosts, and is responsible for end-to-end error recovery and  flow control. It ensures complete data transfer. e. Network Layer This layer provides  switching  and  routing  technologies, creating logical paths, known as  virtual circuits, for transmitting data from  node  to node. Routing and forwarding are functions of this layer, as well as  addressing,  internetworking, error handling, congestion  control and packet sequencing. f. Data Link Layer At this layer, data packets are  encoded  and decoded into bits. It furnishes  transmission protocol  knowledge and management and handles errors in the physical layer, flow control and frame synchronization. The data link layer is divided into two sub layers: The Media Access Control (MAC) layer and the  Logical Link Control  (LLC) layer. The MAC sub layer controls how a computer on the network gains access to the data and permission to transmit it. The LLC layer controls frame synchronization, flow control and error checking. g. Physical Layer 1 This layer conveys the bit stream – electrical impulse, light or radio signal through the  network  at the electrical and mechanical level. It provides the  hardware  means of sending and receiving data on a carrier, including defining cables, cards and physical aspects. b) Internetworking tools The art and science of connecting individual  local-area networks (LANs)  to create  wide-area networks (WANs), and connecting WANs to form even larger WANs. Internetworking can be extremely complex because it generally involves connecting networks that use different  protocols. Internetworking is accomplished ith  routers,  bridges, and  gateways. Routers: It is a  device  that forwards data  packets  along  networks. A router is connected to at least two networks, commonly two  LANs  or  WANs  or a LAN and its  ISP  network. Routers are located at  gateways, the places where two or more networks connect. Routers use  headers  and forwarding tables to determine the best path for forwarding the packets, and they use  protocols  such as  ICMP  to communicate with each other and configure the best route between any two hosts. Bridges: It is a  device  that connects two  local-area networks (LANs), or two segments of the same LAN that use the same  protocol, such as  Ethernet  or  Token-Ring. Gateways: It is a  node  on a  network  that serves as an entrance to another network. In enterprises, the gateway is the computer that  routes  the traffic from a workstation  to the outside network that is serving the Web pages. In homes, the gateway is the  ISP  that connects the user to the internet. In enterprises, the gateway node often acts as a  proxy server  and a  firewall. The gateway is also associated with both a  router, which use  headers  and forwarding tables to determine where  packets  are sent, and a  switch, which provides the actual path for the packet in and out of the gateway. A computer system located on earth that switches data signals and voice signals between satellites and  terrestrial  networks. An earlier term for  router, though now obsolete in this sense as  router  is commonly used. c) Distributed computing systems A distributed computer system consists of multiple software components that are on multiple computers, but run as a single system. The computers that are in a distributed system can be physically close together and connected by a local network, or they can be geographically distant and connected by a wide area network. A distributed s ystem can consist of any number of possible configurations, such as mainframes, personal computers, workstations, minicomputers, and so on. The goal of distributed computing is to make such a network work as a single computer. Distributed systems offer many benefits over centralized systems, including the following: Scalability The system can easily be expanded by adding more machines as needed. Redundancy Several machines can provide the same services, so if one is unavailable, work does not stop. Additionally, because many smaller machines can be used, this redundancy does not need to be prohibitively expensive. Distributed computing systems can run on hardware that is provided by many vendors, and can use a variety of standards-based software components. Such systems are independent of the underlying software. They can run on various operating systems, and can use various communications protocols. Some hardware might use UNIX(R)  as the operating system, while other hardware might use Windows operating systems. For inter machine communications, this hardware can use SNA or TCP/IP on Ethernet or Token Ring. This system contains two local area networks (LANs) that are connected to each other. One LAN consists of UNIX workstations from several different manufacturers; the other LAN consists primarily of PCs that are running several different PC operating systems. One of the LANs is also connected to a mainframe by way of an SNA connection. The client/server model A common way of organizing software to run on distributed systems is to separate functions into two parts: clients and servers. A  client  is a program that uses services that other programs provide. The programs that provide the services are called  servers. The client makes a request for a service, and a server performs that service. Server functions often require some resource management, in which a server synchronizes and manages access to the resource, and responds to client requests with either data or status information. Client programs typically handle user interactions and often request data or initiate some data modification on behalf of a user. For example, a client can provide a form onto which a user (a person working at a data entry terminal, for example) can enter orders for a product. The client sends this order information to the server, which checks the product database and performs tasks that are needed for billing and shipping. Typically, multiple clients use a single server. For example, dozens or hundreds of clients can interact with a few servers that control database access. The client is isolated from the need to know anything about the actual resource manager. If you change the database that you are using, the server possibly needs to be modified, but the client does not need to be modified. Because usually fewer copies exist of the server than of the client, and because the servers are often in locations that are easier to update (for example, on central machines instead of on PCs that are running on users’ desks), the update procedure is also simplified. Also, this approach provides additional security. Only the servers, not the clients, need access to the data that the resource manager controls. Clients can also access several different servers, and the servers themselves can act as clients to other servers. Exactly how the functions are distributed across servers is an application design decision. For example, a single server could provide all the services that a client needs, or the client could access multiple servers to perform different requests. The application designer must consider items such as scalability, location, and security. For example, are the clients and servers local or is the application distributed over a wide geographic area? Do the servers need to be on machines that are physically secure? Such design decisions are outside the scope of this introduction. Some servers are part of an application and are referred to as  application servers. Other servers are not part of a specific application. Instead, any application can use them. For example, the CICS Structured File Server (SFS) provides record-oriented file access for applications. Three-tiered client/server architecture A common design of client/server systems uses three tiers: 1. A client that interacts with the user 2. An application server that contains the business logic of the application 3. A resource manager that stores data. How to cite Fundamentals of Computer, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Proposal for a fitness center in TI Essay Example For Students

Proposal for a fitness center in TI Essay Executive Summary An on-site fitness center for Texas Instruments will prove to be advantageous to the company as well as its employees. Studies show that employees who exercise regularly are more productive, efficient, and pleasant to work with. Texas Instruments has the capability to increase employee retention, recruitment, and revenues by investing in a fitness center through Health Fitness Corporation. Health Fitness Corporation provides on-site fitness centers for numerous prestigious companies such as Best Buy and Federal Express. The positive relationships and results have more than qualified Health Fitness Corporation to provide Texas Instruments with a unique facility, designed to meet all of their personal needs. Among Health Fitness Corporations services are state-of-the-art equipment, the latest healthcare products, a knowledgeable staff, specialty classes, and employee incentive programs. The project will be divided into four phases, each with a certain purpose and timeline to achieve a specific goal. Phase I (Research and Development) This four month phase will involve evaluating the needs and desires of Texas Instruments employees. Phase II (Bidding and Structural Construction) This five month phase involves choosing the right contractor and building the facility. Phase III (Interior Development) This two month phase will involve renovating the interior of the facility to meet Texas Instruments custom desires. Phase IV (Trial Period) This one month process involves staffing the facility and providing training on the exercise equipment. Health Fitness Corporation offers two standard packages. Package A is less expensive to implement, but Package B offers greater revenues. After analyzing Texas Instruments, we believe that Package B will be the most beneficial to the company. Not only will this investment improve the financial status of Texas Instruments, but it will also develop stronger employee relationships. For each dollar Texas Instruments invests in this project, they will realize a greater increase in employee productivity. Many forward-thinking corporations are offering on-site fitness centers to their employees. Texas Instruments must join this trend or their company will be left behind in employee recruitment and retention. Health Fitness Corporation can help secure Texas Instruments leadership in the technology industry for years to come. Proposal to Open an On-site Fitness Center for Texas Instruments through Health Fitness Corporation Introduction Background Texas Instruments, Incorporated has been a leader in offering the latest and highest quality technologies since 1930. Among the many contributions to the success of Texas Instruments is its involvement in providing the United States with the equipment to remain the most technologically advanced nation. Success like this is a result of hard work on the part of the management as well as the employees. With the rapid advancement of technology, however, America lost track of a few more important aspects of living such as health. The year 2004 has presented itself with a bang. More and more Americans are coming to the realization that good health is the key to living the good life. A great deal of significance is being placed on the health and wellbeing of our country as a whole. In order to maintain a healthy, hardworking staff, Texas Instruments must ensure that each employee is performing to the best of their ability. Problem Healthy employees have been proven to be more productive and efficient to the company for which they work. With this knowledge, various companies, including Texas Instruments competitor, Casio, have built on-site health centers for employees. After doing so, Casio experienced steady growth and increased employee satisfaction. Texas Instruments is missing out on this opportunity for growth and extended employee relationships. By simply investing in a health center, Texas Instruments will increase recruiting, employee retention, and overall company expansion. .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce , .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce .postImageUrl , .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce , .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce:hover , .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce:visited , .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce:active { border:0!important; } .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce:active , .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u367b7703b57f6ec788b26996386e14ce:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Im cool EssayPurpose The following proposal will elaborate on the remunerations of opening an on-site health center for the Texas Instruments location in Dallas and on the benefits of doing this project through Health Fitness Corporation. Included is an overview of Texas Instruments current status, an explanation of the benefits to both the employees and the corporation of Texas Instruments, and a timeline of how quickly and easily this project may be executed. There is also a brief description of the success Health Fitness Corporation has delivered to other companies, followed by financial information about the gains Texas Instruments can expect to see upon completion .

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Killing Of Mudeye Essay Research Paper free essay sample

The Killing Of Mudeye Essay, Research Paper Reading Diary This novel is about the violent death of a little stripling troubled male child whom was labelled Mudeye because he was a existent victim. I think that Ned is guilty because he has made Linton Begg even weaker because he refused to manus out a friendly relationship to Mudeye. He did this because he was to good to be his friend and he didn? T want to be payed out for hanging about with person so low and non liked. Ned, Mudeye and Goldfinger have many things in common that include the desire to be popular, the deficiency of felicity, they all are smart, they are all rich, Goldfinger and Mudeye both have strengths such as Mudeye being smart at composing and Goldfinger necessitating to acquire a better grade. They are all good at their work and they all have jobs with insecurity. We will write a custom essay sample on The Killing Of Mudeye Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I think Ned could hold saved Linton Begg because he could hold become his friend and helped him to be more secure. He besides could hold stopped people from aching him mentally every bit good. Ned didn? T aid Linton because had his ain insecurities and was excessively selfish to assist. The violent death of Mudeye is like a game in life and decease where people are rewarded or punished. This is because there is a leader of the game, Goldfinger, and he rewards and punishes people. Goldfinger particularly does this to Mudeye. He punishes him to excess. When he stole Mudeye? s glasses he punished Mudeye by doing him beg. He besides rewarded him into their group by doing him hold a joint and acquiring him ill. The penalty to Mudeye was a wages to Goldfinger. He loved to see people weaker than him. He gained strength from watching them suffer. The novel is mostly about green-eyed monster. It is approximately Ned being covetous of Goldfinger because he is so good and has the best looking gir cubic decimeter in the school and Goldfinger is followed by everyone. There is even jealousy of Mudeye from Goldfinger because Mudeye is such a good author and Goldfinger gets covetous ; he makes Mudeye make his work so he can acquire a better grade. Goldfinger is besides covetous because Mudeye is liked more by one of the instructors so Goldfinger is and so Goldfinger attempts to acquire back at that instructor. He wants to penalize them. When Linton Begg writes, ? I am merely born to endure? he is truly talking the truth because his whole life was about agony and being picked on and non liked by anyone. His life was a entire agony right up to where he hung himself. He had a job, though it was Schizophrenia, where he heard voices and was ever depressed. He was like this because of his parents every bit good because they didn? Ts like him and didn? T attention about him. They didn? T want him in their lives. Mudeye is killed by his mental upset but besides his insecurity. He truly did acquire the mental upset because he was so insecure and cipher wanted to cognize him non even his female parent and male parent. He was entirely and marginalised continually by everyone. The Killing of Mudeye is about rapprochement with the past and Ned does accomplish it really good because he is truly disturbed when he relives his whole school life. He decides to confront where the violent death of Mudeye is done and it makes him experience a batch better. His boy had helped him to because he found a friend like Mudeye and didn? T attention and it made his male parent feel better. Linton Begg dies and a batch of the people in the book did acquire what they want even Ned who faces all his jobs existent good. Linton Begg besides ends up happy because all his hurting is gone and he is eventually free. Bibliography the violent death of Mudeye ( book )

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Starbucks Supply Chain System

Starbucks Supply Chain System Company background Starbucks is world’s number one coffee and coffeehouse company; Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker founded it on March 30, 1971. The company’s first branch was at Seattle, Washington; currently it has outlets in more than 55 countries (Starbucks Corporate website). The company has one of the most respected and effective supply chain-management systems. This paper discusses the supply chain network adopted by Starbucks.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Starbucks Supply Chain System specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More What methods do they use? The company has an internal robust supply and logistic department that has the role of pioneering all supply demands in the company. In other countries, where it gets it coffee, the company has collection points that it can get coffee beans in raw and roasted form. The system aims at ensuring the company gets adequate supply of coffee and oth er material used in production at the right time, at an appropriate cost and quality. The company buys raw materials from the United States where it has its head quarters, but it has diversified its team to coffee producing countries like in the East African countries where quality coffee is grown. To maintain good relations with suppliers, the company has a favorable buying price and bases the buying on the quality and the production method as adopted by the farmer. In countries like Ethiopia and Kenya, the company has implemented farmer’s education programs with the aim of facilitation the production of environmentally friendly coffees. Quality and efficiency in delivery of coffee beans and other material in the company has the main concern in the system. The company supply chain has the following goals: Quantity goals: Adequate supply of materials in a company when they are needed Supply of quality materials for various purposes in a business at all times (quality objecti ve) Supply of materials at a competitive price (price objective) (Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky and Simchi-levi 12-23) What is their system for evaluating the program in terms of quality, social responsibility, and success factors? The initial approach that the company has to ensure it gets quality is to procure for the commodity from those countries that are known for their quality coffee, they include countries like Kenya, United States, Brazil and Ethiopia. After having the appropriate channels to get the commodity, they then have to vet for its quality.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More When supplies are made, they have to be graded as a measure of determining the quality they have. The higher the grade the higher the cost of the commodity, in large consignments, after every fifty bags, the one must be opened and contents verified. As a matter of social corporate respon sibility, Starbucks operates a fair trade policy in areas that it collects coffee; it is involved in projects like road maintenance and education systems. In the hunger of protecting the environment, the company has started training centers for farmers on how they should farm without polluting the environment, to support environmental conservation further, the company pays a higher premium for coffee produced with minimal use of chemicals. The following are the critical success factor of the company: Offer quality services and products Increase the welfare of stakeholders (stakeholders include suppliers) Conserve the environment Attain and maintain customer loyalty Respect for the people and teamwork (Starbucks Corporate website). Simchi-Levi, David., Kaminsky Phillips, and Simchi-levi, Edith. Designing and Managing the Supply Chain. New York: Mcgraw Hill, 2003. Print Starbucks Corporate Website. Starbucks, 2011. Web.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Biblical Worldview Stewardship Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Biblical Worldview Stewardship - Assignment Example emphasized, â€Å"advances in the West have been the fruits of freedom, knowledge, and hard work–all resting substantially on the foundation of biblical Christianity’s worldview and ethic of service to God and neighbor. These advances have also given rise to a laudable expansion in people’s focus on the need for environmental stewardship† (Beisner, Cromartie, Derr, Knippers, Hill, & Terrel, 2014, p. 1). Environmental stewardship was noted to also have conceptual framework stemming from biblical passages, especially teachings on God’s creation of the world and people’s responsibility over the creation (Miller, n.d.). Therefore, the guidelines for business with regard to environmental protection necessitate understanding of the biblical worldview to enable application of best practices that adhere to conservation and protection of the environment: promoting green campaign, cost minimization, energy conservation, actions and operations that observe impacts on climate change and global warming. Contemporary large organizations are therefore expected to promote ideals and philosophies of social responsibility – which include environmental protection. Since some of the earth’s natural resources are finite, businesses must ensure that their actions are cognizant of the need to sustain that those resources which could be conserved and replenished would be dealt with accordingly. Beisner, E., Cromartie, M., Derr, T., Knippers, D., Hill, P., & Terrel, T. (2014). A Biblical Perspective on Environmental Stewardship. Retrieved December 10, 2014, from Acton Institute:

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

King Lear Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

King Lear - Essay Example Lear inherited and perceived bad and good traits from both of them. The story of King Lear teaches us that the attaching of excessive importance to things in the material world causes passions and suffering. At the beginning the bad overwhelms in Lear’s character. We see Lear-despot. On the one hand his despotism origins from the feudal prerogative of a monarch. On the other one, being an outstanding person, surrounded by universal admiration, he gets a false idea that his royal dignity rests upon his personal superiority. Like the rest of the characters, Lear possesses a highly developed individualistic consciousness, which is a feature of the new psychology. Unfortunately, this awareness of personal dignity acquires one-sided, egoistic character, which reveals itself in excessively high estimation of the self, reaching the utmost degree of self-adoration. This feature was born by the social structure itself, where everybody praised his greatness, where everything seemed to happen according to his will. Believing that it is his personality that mattered, Lear loses his common sense and resigns his throne, sure that people won’t stop tremble for him. This crazy belief make s him hand the kingdom to his daughters, become a man without a title and experience all the woes associated with human life. In the course of the play we see, however, that Lear continues clutching at his feudal dignity. The perception of his being a king has strong roots in him and the habit of commanding the others does not leave him even when he, rejected and abandoned, wanders in the field. In delirium, he cries: â€Å"No, they cannot touch me for coining; I am the king himself†; â€Å"Ay, every inch a king: When I do stare, see how the subject quakes† (IV, 6). His insanity lies in the fact hat he continues considering himself the king, the man standing above the rest, while the enlightment will come as he sees his

Monday, November 18, 2019

Social Policy (Group Work) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Social Policy (Group Work) - Essay Example l relationships are considered to be â€Å"connected to each other (Myers: 286).† This definition of a group clarifies its components: that it has to consist the elements of relationship, involved no. of individuals, and connection (4). Moreover, in order to be called a group, the involved members who participate in the activities should have the ff. characteristics: 1) interrelating and interacting with each other; 2) sharing same norms; 3) developing roles or shared set of roles; 4) developing the feeling of sense of belongingness; and lastly, 5) sharing a common goal (Douglas: 13). The aims of a group purports to help its members achieve the goals for each individual members: 1) to enhance individual’s functioning; 2) to enrich every individual’s life; 3) to ameliorate existing problems and to provide solutions for conflicts in the group, community or the organisation; for the ff. desired effects: 1) to produce social change and 2) to promote social justice (Myers: 591). To cite an example, the Parenting group is the best sample for explaining the purposive, basic parenting or leadership styles which are pivotal roles of parents in forming and shaping an individual. The parenting group works to induce change in the individual; however the Parenting group must be consisting of the following SMART characteristics: 1) Specific—a group that defines each members (parents) as the facilitator and leader of change and their children as the students or followers; 2) Measurable—that the parenting group helps its members specify the timeline n eeded and the tools required to achieve their goals; 3) Achievable—the parents making sure that the children’s goals are doable and feasible; 4) Relevant—that the parenting group makes sure that the goals of their child/ren are rational and reasonable; and lastly, 5) Timely—that the parents ensure that individual and group goals are not obsolete and rather, follows the current trend as demanded by time (Douglas:

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Changes Of The Coffee Market Economics Essay

The Changes Of The Coffee Market Economics Essay Since 1995, the changes of coffee market, along with changes in the world economies are also changing. However in this diversity commodities market, a price change caused by the reasons for the coffee market is definitely not single. Instead, many of the common cross-cutting factors together. Changes in coffee market have two main aspects. One is the demand market, and the other is supply market. Changing of demand market is affected by personal income and tastes. Also changes in supply market are affected by input prices and technology. While the coffee market is changing every day, we feel like less. This is because the oligopoly. The demands for a good will rise or fall if there are changes in factors such as, income, the price of substitute goods and complementary goods, and tastes (123HelpMe, 2011). Peoples incomes increase, their demand for most normal goods will rise. (John Sloman, Keith Norris, Dean Garratt, 2010). Today the coffee has become increasingly common in the world, so there are great new coffee demand markets in Asian countries which originally drink tea. However, the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis hindered economic growth. The unequal international monetary relations has brought the world debt problem in most countries, and caused numerous international economic issues. One year later Russian Financial Crisis. Then in 2001, Bursting of dot-com bubble made the economy of the whole world crash. Changes in the world economy will affect peoples income, thus affecting the purchasing power of people on the coffee. Financial crisis reduce peoples purchasing power, so demand market decrease, and supply more than demand. At this time the manufacturers to cut prices to attract customers to buy coffee. So between 1997 and 2001, the price of coffee steep dropped from US $135 per bag to US $45. As peoples income is limited, when customers buy the coffee, people will choose to purchase their favorite one. The choosing is also affecting the change of coffee market. Tastes are affected by advertising, fashion, observing other consumers, considerations of health and experiences of consuming the good on previous occasions (John Sloman, Keith Norris, Dean Garratt, 2010). There are two basic categories of coffee in the world. One is Arabica, the other one is Robusta. There are some differences between these two coffee beans. Arabica beans with 100% high quality blends, and produce a superior taste in the cup, being more flavorful and complex. On the contrary, Robusta beans with lower quality and cheaper blends, and it produce a bitterer brew, with a musty flavor and less body (kaffee.netfirms). Because, more people find the Arabica coffee good, the more they were demand from 2007 to 2009/2010 than Robusta. In the economic market, demand market and supply market exist simultaneously. Both of them are interdependent. Therefore, the fctors causing changes in the coffee market, not only in demand market, but also exist in the supply market. The change in supply can be caused by a change in production costs, technology and the price of other goods (123helpme, 2011). Costs of production will rise if wages, raw material prices, rents interest rate or any other input prices rise. (John Sloman, Keith Norris, Dean Garratt, 2010). In previous two years, the worlds NO.3 coffee exporter, Colombia was hit by bad weather, and cutting production by about a third its norm (Jack Kimball, 2011). Because of climatic reasons, the Colombian coffee growers fail to achieve the target goal, and not be able to meet the demands of the current coffee market. So the cost of production increases. From the Table of ICO, we can see that the price of Colombia Milds goes up from $205.71in March 2010 to 300.68 in March 2011. Furthermore, Technological advances can fundamentally alter the costs of production (John Sloman, Keith Norris, Dean Garratt, 2010). With the global technology advances, more and more new technology is introduced into the production of coffee. For example, there are two ways to removing and dry the coffee beans from the fruit before roasted them, namely dry and wet methods. Comparing these two methods, the wet method requires the use of specific equipment and substantial quantities of water. It ensures the intrinsic qualities of the coffee beans are better preserved. Hence, the coffee produced by this method is usually regarded as being of better quality and commands higher prices (, 2011). The high technology makes the goods with a better quality than before, so the price of coffee which produces by equipment has higher price. Although many financial reports have shown that the price of the coffee market in recent years varies widely. People seemed to feel less of this change . This is because oligopoly. Oligopoly occurs when just a few firms between them share large proportion of the industry (John Sloman, Keith Norris, Dean Garratt, 2010). Firms under oligopoly engage in collusion, and a formal collusion agreement is called a cartel. Firms may agree on prices, market share, and advertising expenditure and so on. (John Sloman, Keith Norris, Dean Garratt, 2010). Firms under cartel, they agree to influence prices by regulating production and marketing of a product ( allbusiness). There are two largest coffee exporters, Brazil and Colombia (Larry S. Karp, Jeffrey M. Perloff, 1993). Although the bad weather influence the production of coffee, Brazil and Colombian act like large firm in that each centrally controls exports. The Brazilian Coffee Institute and Colombian Federation of Coffee Growers control supply and price, and set quotas within the coffee market. So the costs of production are relatively stable. Moreover, in the trading market, about 50 percent of the world production of coffee is bought by only four huge companies, namely, Kraft, Nestle, Procter and Gamble, and Sara Lee. These four companies formed the oligopoly in the trading market. They will collude and control the price of coffee in trading market. In conclusion, cause the coffee market is due to the changing in demand market, and the other is production market. Changing of demand market is affected by personal income and tastes. Also changes in supply market are affected by input prices and technology. In addition to these two main reasons, oligopoly is another major reason to affect coffee market. That is reason, why while the coffee market is changing every day, we feel like less. Although since 1995, the changes of coffee market, along with changes in the world economies are also changing and these changes was to make the coffee market crisis. Through the use of professional knowledge of economic analysis the coffee market and the whole market, we can find reasons that led to crisis, and then using scientific methods to help get rid of coffee market crisis and take measures to prevent the same situation from happening again in the future.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The New Bankruptcy Law Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bankruptcy has been the answer to extremely troubling and difficult financial times for many people in America. Many individuals, for one reason or another, have found it to be the new start in life that they desperately needed. Unfortunately, bankruptcy has also served as a crutch to many as well, allowing them to relinquish debt that they were completely capable, however selfishly unwilling, to pay. As with any law, or policy, Americans are forced to accept the good with the bad, choosing which outweighs the other. In an effort to combat the increasingly growing abuse of the bankruptcy laws in our system today President George Bush has signed into law a new bill that many hope will help to alleviate much of this.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bankruptcy laws began to surface in the United States in the early 1800’s. Initially being created to temporarily relieve bad economic conditions caused by land disputes, community panic, and then, finally, the Civil War. During this time there was little protection for the consumer that found their personal life in financial ruin. Prior to the creation of Bankruptcy laws debtors were severely punished by loss of property, or in some places imprisonment, if they were unable to repay a debt they owed. The idea of a Bankruptcy law was promising for society, however, these laws all did very little to protect the debtor and where repealed shortly after being created. As the need increased, more bankruptcy laws were later created that would better serve to protect the public debtor whether they were individuals or business that required aide for debt relief. It was the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978 that was passed in 1978 that served substantially revamp bankruptcy practices. Two major changes occurred for the bankruptcy act; the first, Chapter 11, which would prove to be a strong business reorganization Chapter, and the second, Chapter 13, which replaced the old Chapter 13 allowing individual access to a more powerful personal bankruptcy. In general, the Reform Act of 1978 made it easier for both businesses and individuals to file for bankruptcy and to reorganize their assets. Of course, this wasn’t the end for reformation concerning the bankruptcy bill. Beginning with President Bill Clinton, in the mid 1990’s, a need for reform regarding bankruptcy policies has continuously been recognized... It is a great idea to place more stringent laws on bankruptcy codes, but there must be room for adjustment when special circumstances arise in a case. Rarely is the cause of a situation of financial difficulty that a family endures either viewable in black or white, and the new bill must take this into consideration. Although many, I’m sure, abuse bankruptcy laws, there is an overwhelming amount of proof that many more have used the law in the manner that it was created for. I guess you could say that I have no real solution to the problem and I can only suggest further study in the matter. We as a nation must remember that the decisions we make, or allow others to have the authority to make on our behalf, effect everyone in our society, and not just a select few so they must be well thought out, and above all, FAIR. References: