Thursday, September 3, 2020

Abortion: Make It Illegal

Dallas Chambers Mrs. Dough puncher English 112 03/26/13 Abortion: Make It Illegal Some individuals accept that there is nothing amiss with premature birth, and that it is totally good. In the interim others accept that premature birth is murder paying little mind to how far along the child has created. Regardless of what an individual accepts, fetus removal isn't the correct decision. I accept that each youngster has the privilege to live regardless of whether the mother is youthful or not monetarily secure. Fetus removal is the end of a guiltless youngster. There are numerous reasons why fetus removal ought to be illicit: morally and physically.There are numerous reasons why ladies decide to have a premature birth. Some are narrow minded and others are sacrificial, or to shield themselves or the kid from future mischief. The childish reasons incorporate that having an infant would meddle with school/work, that they can't bear the cost of an infant or that they are having issues with their loved one. These are just reasons for not having any desire to acknowledge duty regarding their activities. A portion of the benevolent reasons incorporate clinical issues, either with the mother or kid, and on the grounds that the lady was assaulted. These are the two principle qualifiers for this argument.Some ladies state it is their entitlement to pick whether they need to prematurely end an infant. This is valid and that privilege is secured in the Constitution. Additionally, in the Roe versus Swim Supreme Court case in 1973, the Court decided that fetus removal is a woman’s key right. In any case, while considering a fetus removal a lady isn't simply settling on a decision about her own life, she is choosing whether or not to end another. It is fine to settle on a choice when it just concerns one individual, yet when it is a choice for that individual and somebody who can't represent themselves it isn't fair.There are a lot of different choices to look over inste ad of prematurely ending a child. These ladies could part with the infant to a caring family who can’t consider youngsters or who has medical issues. They could have the infant received, allowed it is difficult to part with a youngster however it is better than ending it and never allowing that kid to develop. There are open appropriations and shut receptions. It is anything but difficult to track down a spot to orchestrate an appropriation considering in today’s society the world is readily available. On the off chance that an individual looks on Google they can discover a lot of sites that can organize adoptions.For model, just in North Carolina there is achildshope. com, christianadopt. organization, littleangelsadoption. net and some more. A lady could likewise place the child in the child care framework or take the â€Å"path less traveled† and keep the infant themselves. It is smarter to have a kid and offer them to a meriting home or couple than to end it before he/she even got an opportunity. Consider it. Any of the lives ended could wind up turning into a specialist, attorney, or even the following Einstein. Another explanation not to end a life is on the grounds that fetus removal can mess wellbeing up to the lady who gets it.These medical issues don't just incorporate physical yet in addition mental. Some physical symptoms of fetus removal are dying, drain, contamination, irritation of organs, and expanded danger of unnatural birth cycle later on. Some mental reactions incorporate nervousness, despondency, utilization of liquor and maryjane, and furthermore self destruction. Fetus removal can cause numerous medical issues and may even execute you, also it is ending the life of an unborn child†¦ Why might a mother chance that? Nonetheless, on the off chance that there are chance factor welcomed on by a pregnancy, at that point the subject of right or wrong gets more complicated.Either the mother or the child’s life co uld be at serious risk. On the off chance that the mother might bite the dust by bringing forth the kid, at that point it isn't directly for anybody to keep her from ending the pregnancy, in the event that she decides to do as such. Likewise, if the kid will be at death's door from the snapshot of birth, than the mother ought to have the option to decide if she ought to end the life of that youngster. Another qualifier would be if the lady was assaulted. A lady ought not need to persevere through the torment of pregnancy when it was not her decision to have sex in the first place.However, a lady can't simply go to a center and state they were assaulted. There must be a police report on document expressing that the lady was assaulted so as to proceed with the fetus removal. Premature birth has been an exceptionally questionable subject for as long as hardly any years and all through all the discussions with respect to it I have heard some extremely fascinating remarks settled on by t he Pro-Choice devotees. A portion of these remarks incorporated that ladies ought to have the option to settle on their own choices, the infant isn’t alive until it leaves the belly, and it is smarter to slaughter an infant than have it endure in a family who doesn’t need it or can't accommodate it.While all ladies reserve the privilege to choose how to manage their bodies, they all need to accept obligation regarding their activities too. On the off chance that a lady is made a beeline for work and beverages a fifth of vodka before getting in the vehicle to drive there, that is her decision. Be that as it may, on the off chance that she winds up murdering somebody she can’t simply state â€Å"well, I’m genius choice† and afterward leave. That lady would need to confront the outcomes of her activities and go to prison. For what reason is it any extraordinary to execute an individual outside of the mother’s belly than it is the point at which the youngster is still within it?Either way a person was murdered. Regardless of whether they were conceived at this point or not is superfluous. â€Å"A infant isn’t alive until it leaves the belly. † Some individuals do accept that a child isn't alive until it takes its first breath, which is during childbirth. In any case, regardless of whether you consider the infant alive right now of origination or not, the infant will develop into an individual and for somebody to end the child’s life before it gets an opportunity to develop and create isn't right. The main good end of pregnancy is through unsuccessful labor and no one has power over that.As recently expressed, there are different choices than simply keeping the â€Å"unwanted† youngster. There is child care, open reception and shut selections. All in all, premature birth is ethically and morally off-base. It is the end of an unborn youngster and a lady ought not be permitted to end a pregnancy wi th no outcomes. There are a lot of different alternatives to browse other than simply ending a pregnancy. This is the reason fetus removal ought to be unlawful in the United States.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

How to Write an English Essay: Tips For Beginners

How to Write an English Essay: Tips For BeginnersWriting a good English essay is not a piece of cake, but it is definitely doable. Knowing how to write an English essay can make a huge difference in the success of your writing career. With so many sources available, how do you go about selecting the right essays?Most of us are used to writing letters, or sending important documents to family and friends. Writing an essay requires you to create a document that is unique and stands out above the crowd. Having the right materials, tools, and strategies at your disposal can make a big difference.One of the first things you need to know about writing an English essay is that the style and format are two different things. An essay is more than just a formal written document. It is essentially a conversation between the writer and the reader. In order to learn how to write a good essay, you have to know the different aspects of the essay style.The first step is to have the right perspective . Focus on the facts, and the language of the essay. Keep in mind that a good essay should be filled with substance, as opposed to superfluous fluff. It is also important to keep your own point of view in mind, so that you can be objective about your subject. The reader should have a reason to stay and read your essay.Next, decide on the topic. An essay usually begins with a thesis statement, which points out the basic problem or question the writer is trying to answer. The topic should be known ahead of time, as you may have questions you would like answering. It is best to state your topic in advance, since you will need a clear idea of the direction you want your essay to take. There is no point in rushing your idea, especially if you are unsure of how to approach the topic.Next, make a list of the various topics you would like to cover. Also, think about your ideas for a start. This is where you will begin to narrow down your essay. Always be sure to write your outline first.Onc e you have listed your topics, write down each topic or question you have about each topic. This way, you will have a reference point when writing your essay. This will help you place your points within a logical and well-defined framework. Also, you will be able to answer your questions with authority.With these tips, you will be well on your way to learning how to write an English essay. There is no better way to get started.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Police Misconduct Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Police Misconduct - Research Paper Example blameworthy men to walk the road and honest men to sit in prison, governments ought to have suitable measures set up to shield people in general from police wrongdoing. 1) Carnell, Yvette. Dont Shoot! A Case for Reigning in Rogue Cops. The Atlanta Post. 3 May 2011. Web. 27 May 2011. . 4) Indian Diplomats Daughter, 18, Sues for $1.5m over police Cells Toilet Humiliation | Mail Online. Mail Online. 25 May 2011. Web. 27 May 2011. . 5) Kaariainen, Juha, Tomi Lintonen, Ahti Laitinen, and Joycelyn Pollock. The Code of Silence: Are Self-Report Surveys a Viable Means for Studying Police Misconducts? Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 9.2 (2008): 86-96. Print. 6) Man Shot multiple times by Billings Police Officer Sues for Excessive Force. The Republic. 20 May 2011. Web. 27 May 2011. . 7) Miller, Joel, and Robert C. Davis. Unloading Public Attitudes to the Police: Contrasting Perceptions of Misconduct with Traditional Measures of Satisfaction. International Journal of Police Science and Management 10.1 (2008): 9-22.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Mother-Daughter Relationship in Breath, Eyes, Memory - Literature Essay Samples

Sophie Caco, in Breath, Eyes, Memory, quotes her mother, â€Å"There’s a difference between what a person wants and what’s good for them† (72). In Edwidge Danticat’s novel, there is conflict between what Sophie wants and what her mother, Martine, believes is good for her. While Sophie wants to live in the great realm of Providence, her mother has a specific idea of what is good for her daughter—remaining pure until marriage, being the ideal, obedient daughter, and studying to become a doctor. The narrative voice in Breath, Eyes, Memory conveys how Sophie wholly violates her mother’s concept of what is good for her; Sophie becomes free from Martine in order to seek her Providence because she wants to finally put behind her the anguish of her mother’s horrifying past.Martine’s horrifying past is one of the things that links her to her daughter. The ultimate impression Sophie gets of her mother before a six year time lapse in the n arrative is the tragic story of how she was born. Part One ends with Martine divulging to Sophie that, â€Å"A man grabbed me from the side of the road, pulled me into a cane field, and put you in my body† (61). Martine and Sophie are now both linked by a rapist. Although Sophie does not say it explicitly, the narrative voice connotes that she knows deep in her heart that whenever her mother sees her she is reminded of that horror of the night she was raped, making Sophie feel more and more disconnected from her mother. This extremely important revelation which Martine explains in such a calm, mollified tone shows that Martine doesn’t want her daughter to be angry or grief-stricken; instead, she wants Sophie to learn about her past and bring her closer to her. Martine’s idea of what’s good for her, knowing about her father and Martine’s own past, conflicts with Sophie’s idea of what she wants to know. Otherwise, there would not have been a s ix-year gap between the time she was told of her mother’s rape to the following scene.Martine feels it necessary to tell her daughter the importance of ‘testing’ because as a tradition in her family the idea of keeping the child clean and pure is of utmost priority. She explains to Sophie, â€Å"When I was a girl, my mother used to test us to see if we were virgins. She would put her finger in our very private parts and see if it would go inside†¦The way my mother was raised, a mother is supposed to do that to her daughter until the daughter is married. It is her responsibility to keep her daughter pure† (60-61). As Sophie’s mother, Martine feels it is her duty to explain the reasoning behind testing her because it is what’s good for her. Again, although Sophie does not want to have this done to her, that’s not important to Martine because it needs to be done. Even her Tante Atie hated it, but it was necessary.Throughout the novel , Martine tries to fit her daughter into a perfect frame and be a certain person that Sophie tries to break away from. Although this is yet another way of bringing Sophie closer to her, Martine only pushes her away even further. When Marc asks Sophie what she wants to be, she says, â€Å"I want to do dactylo, be a secretary† (56). Martine, however, insists that, â€Å"She is too young now to know. You are going to be a doctor† (56), indicating the tension between mother and daughter. Sophie and Martine are different people with different intentions. Even though Martine wants her daughter to grow up to be a doctor, Sophie never establishes the connection in which she takes into consideration being a doctor. Martine never seems to understand Sophie because she is too wrapped up in having the ideal daughter who doesn’t go astray. Without explicitly saying it, it is obvious through the narrative voice that Sophie knows what she wants—she ends up being a secre tary. When Sophie returns to Haiti, Louise asks her, â€Å"What do you do in America, Sophie? What is your profession?† (99) to which Sophie responds, â€Å"A secretary.† (99).No matter how much Martine tries, she fails to make Sophie fit into the role of the Marassas twin. Martine describes, â€Å"They looked the same, talked the same, walked the same,† (84) indicating how she envisions the way she and her daughter should be. Sophie, however, never viewed herself as Martine’s twin prior to this description of the Marassas. When she sees a picture of Atie, her mother, and herself in Martine’s house she says, â€Å"I looked like no one in my family. Not my mother. Not my Tante Atie. I did not look like them when I was a baby and I did not look like them now† (45). Not only was she not raised by her own mother, but she didn’t even look like Martine. The narrative voice conveys that Sophie is observant yet unruffled; there is no sense of emotional reaction only an objective remark, indicating that it doesn’t make a difference to Sophie. When Marc takes Martine and Sophie out to dinner, Sophie once again thinks about the fact that she does not look like her mother solely by the waiter’s expression. She says, â€Å"He looked at us for a long time. First me, then my mother. I wanted to tell him to stop it. There was no resemblance between us. I knew it† (55). Sophie’s tone of voice conveys her irritation; by now, she has accepted the fact that she and her mother look nothing like each other. There is no changing it.Sophie violates her mother’s notion of being pure because she wants to break free from Martine. She likens herself to the woman who would not stop bleeding when she says, â€Å"If she wanted to stop bleeding, she would have to give up her right to be a human being† (87), in which Sophie herself would have to break her hymen in order to â€Å"break free† from her mother’s clutches. The night that she took the pestle to bed with her, though she knew it was â€Å"not good for her hymen to tear apart like so, she had felt that â€Å"there was no longer any reason for me to live† (87), because her mother had been doing this horrible thing of testing her. If she could be free from her mother and her testing, she would consequently be free from her mother’s past because she, too, had been tested. The pestle acts as a mechanism for Sophie to free herself from her mother. When Sophie runs away from home to elope with her boyfriend Joseph, she completely goes against what her mother wanted for her. Sophie’s attempts to break free from her mother has succeeded so far, because she wants to reach that Providence that she has until now unable to attain. The second part ends with Sophie departing from her mother’s house and leaving for a life with Joe, once again doing what she wants to do even though in her mother ’s eyes it is not what is good for her. If she lives her entire life under her mother’s control she would be tortured forever by her mother’s past and would never be â€Å"liberated† from it. When she had lived in Haiti, she was supported by her mother’s weekly supply of money. When she arrived in America she was dependent on her mother for survival. But now, as Sophie moves on and in with Joe, she no longer needs her mother and is now closer than her ever to being free from Martine.The parts are structured so that the most important milestones in the story are left hanging with enormous spaces in time. This time around two years have passed between Sophie leaving for her sense of Providence and from where the story picks up again in Haiti. This type of narrative of leaving huge chunks out of an otherwise linear chronology draws attention to the fact that Sophie’s life itself is so disjoint. The story takes us suddenly from America to Haiti just as suddenly as Sophie was taken from Haiti to America after one letter and plane ticket from her mother. Sophie often feels her life is empty and especially when she was growing up without her mother for twelve years, an enormous part of her life was missing even though she didn’t know it. She says, â€Å"It took me twelve years to piece together my mother’s entire story.† (61). By the time Sophie has moved out of her mother’s place she believes she may be free but realizes that her mother is not. When she is with her sexual phobia group, she understands that the person who has wronged her, Martine, has been unable to be free. Sophie says, â€Å"I knew my hurt and hers were links in a long chain and if she hurt me, it was because she was hurt, too† (203). She comes to the realization that there is a reason why her mother did what she did and that in order for her to be free, her mother needs to be free from her past as well. Her mother’ s rape had given her nightmares that she was able to â€Å"free† her mother from, but only from the nightmares themselves, not from the reality of the rape.Sophie is devastated by the fact that her mother found her own way of escaping the reality of rape—committing suicide. For the first time her mother did what she wanted to do and Sophie desired for her to do what is good for her, going to Haiti and confronting the cane field where she was raped as the psychiatrist advised. This role-reversal shows how Sophie is still in a way so connected to her mother that she is compelled to â€Å"free† herself as well as her mother by confronting the cane field. In the final scene, she says she, â€Å"ran through the field, attacking the cane. I took off my shoes and began to beat a cane stalk. I pounded it until it began to lean over.† The image of the bent cane stalk reflects Sophie reclaiming her mother’s power and Sophie finally achieving the freedom she so desperately sought.Sophie Caco in Breath, Eyes Memory not only goes on a journey to free herself from her mother, but in the process allows herself to free her mother from her mother’s past. Because Martine was unable to find the Providence that Sophie sought, Sophie was about to put her mother’s rape behind her by fighting the cane stalk in the final scene of the novel.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Analysis Of The Book Romans - 1725 Words

Introduction Reaching Chapter seven in the book of Romans, the framework for Paul’s theology has been laid out with a basis on God’s righteousness and humanity’s sinfulness as illuminated by the Mosaic law. In Chapter seven Paul furthers his discussion on the power of sin. This discussion offered by Paul must be preceded by a discussion of who in fact Paul is referencing in this passage. The question rests in his use of the word â€Å"ÃŽ µÃŽ ³ÃÅ½Ã¢â‚¬  translated â€Å"I.† The identity of this â€Å"I† is debated amongst theologians. Answering the question of who is being referenced is a longstanding question which begs exploration. The viewpoints are plentiful, yet the prominence of the law and the nature of Paul’s argument in other portions of this letter and his†¦show more content†¦This paper will thus, look at the specific views on Chapter 7’s â€Å"I,† not isolated from, but in reference to the greater message in the book of Romans. â€Å"I† representing all humanity The perspective, which takes the stance that Paul is referencing all humanity, seeks to affirm the far reaching nature of sin. All humanity is affected by sin and faces the same struggles that Paul is describing. This viewpoint’s emphasis on the reach of sin is expressed by Jan Lambrecht when he says: â€Å"The inner conflict and division can be experienced everywhere and at all times, by everybody† (Lambrecht 63). This viewpoint was brought to focus by Kà ¼mmel at the beginning of the 20th Century; â€Å"In this epochal study, Kà ¼mmel contends that the description of the ÃŽ µÃŽ ³ÃÅ½ in Rom 7 is purely a rhetorical device in which Paul s own experience is not in view. Rom 7 pictures the human in general, who assents to the Law s demand but is unable to accomplish it† (Seifrid 313). Those who would hold to this view would claim that Paul is using â€Å"a known rhetorical device† (Shogren 120). In this view, the one who is speaking as â€Å"I† is merely a hypothetical speaker who serves to represent humanity, rather than a specific individual or individuals. Additionally, this view draws on Paul’s motif throughout the letter of the equality of Jews and Gentiles. It finds grounding in the preceding chapters of the book in which Paul

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Is Super Key in Dbms - 1071 Words

What Is Super Key In Dbms? Superkey - A superkey is defined in the relational model as a set ofattributes of a relation variable (relvar) for which it holds that inall relations assigned to that variable there are no two distincttuples (rows) that have the same values for the attributes... in Software What Is Super Key In Dbms Give Example? A superkey is a combination of attributes that can be uniquely used to identify a database record.With primary key if any other attribute is added then that combination is called super key in other words,primary key is the minimum possible... in SQL Databases What Is The Primary Key, Super Key, Foreign Key And†¦show more content†¦An attribute alone that can identify uniquely in a relation is called Primary Key. There can be several key s in a given relation, that can be identified uniquely. Those can be called Candidate keys. Great Answer Not Helpful Report Ruwindada 9 months ago [pic] 0 Super key is a subset of candidate may be or may not be irreduceable. Great Answer Not Helpful Report Girl_cool 9 months ago [pic] 0 A super key is the set of one or more attribute that allow us to identify uniquely entity in an entity set. E.g the customer_id attribute of the entity set customer is sufficient to distinguish one customer entity from another. Great Answer Not Helpful Report Guest 6 months ago Ads by Google †¢ Chrysler Skim Code Reader Read and Re-Program Skim Modules CAN and NON CAN Levels of abstractions †¢ Database Management WinSQL - A Homogeneous Solution for Heterogeneous Environment. [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic]Find Answers for: Discuss The Different Levels Of Abstraction In A Database Management System [pic] 0 There are views as to how users see the relevant data. Levels of abstraction include single conceptual or logical schema and the physical schema. 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Model of Radical Innovation in Small †

Question: Discuss about the Model of Radical Innovation in Small Software Firms. Answer: Introduction Competitive strategy is a series of serious thinking, which is influenced by some established facts behind the making of the strategies. Strategies and innovation are two terms, which have a wrong understanding among the common people. Strategies are something, which dictates the utilization of the available resources of the organizations. On a same note, innovation is something, which is not only limited to the invention of something new such as new technology. It is however the findings of something hidden inside the organizational capabilities and the resources, which are unique to the outer world (Madsen and Walker, 2015). The main purpose of the assignment is to understand the exact meaning of the terms strategies and the innovation with the use of provided video link. Some of the following key ideas can be derived from the provided video link (YouTube, 2017): Organizations must know their area of expertise and try to find ways out of the problem with the help of those available resources only Strategies should be constructed to add values to the existing business operation (Dodgson, Gann Phillips, 2013) While making the strategies, firms should also have clear and concise idea about their available resources and the capabilities Most importantly, organizations need to have identification of their organizational values, which are needed to be sustained for a long term business (Carlo, Lyytinen Rose, 2012) The learner is working in a Smartphone manufacturing Company. The Company is still under the growing stages; however, it could not capitalize on he provided chances. The growing Smartphone industry attracted the learners Company to compete with the bigger companies. They failed entirely in strategizing the planning, which has also resulted in a below than normal performance of ten Company. Following are some of the necessary guidelines, which could help the learners Company in streamlining their strategies to have more productivity from those (Dagnino, 2012): Analyzing the available resources and capabilities of the learners Company, the outcomes can be discussed in a meeting with the higher management of the learners Company Highlights of the meeting would be to address the real problem behind the failure and the available potentiality of the Company Strategy making should revolve around a small but a particular area of operation, which means that the operation would be done to compete with the smaller companies only Competing with smaller companies are the best source to have a firm foothold in the market; once the performance is established and solidified, it is the time to compete with the bigger companies also with some innovative ideas and solid strategies Movement and operation of business should be in a systematic way by targeting smaller area of operation at the start and then gradually expanding the operational area Business Model Innovation Some of the necessary key ideas behind incepting the innovation into the organization would be to identify first the best feasible business innovation model and then implement the identified business model to have the maximum result. Following are the key ideas that are derived from the provided video link (YouTube, 2017): Implementation of one business model at one time Setting up a clear communication with all the management staffs and the supervisors, which is important to have an appropriate application of the model in the organization To have patience after applying the business innovation model in the organization Ensuring a firm commitment from everybody those who are associated to this Company especially from the higher management staffs Overcoming those hidden facts also, which are yet to be invented The Application of the business innovation model depends heavily on the management and the higher management staffs. The business model innovation needs to be identified first. One thing is very important to consider while implementing the business innovation model in the learners organization. Following are some of the useful tips for the application of business innovation model in the learners Company (Forgang, 2015): Identifying the most feasible business innovation model for the Company Having a solid discussion with all the higher management staffs in the Company Planning the right way to implement the innovation model to trace out the maximum benefits of the model Having patience after implementing the business innovation model in the operation, it is necessary for maintaining a continuous focus on the outcomes It is also necessary that the inception of the business model is supported by the most feasible technology, which is important for having the maximum success in complex cases such as in the supply chain management (Kaplan, 2012) The business innovation model should also be made familiar to all the associated employees of the organization as this is helpful in spreading the feeling of change in the organization Implementation of the business innovation model needs to be accompanied by relevant support from the financial department as the required changes would require some serious investments from them (Chesbrough, 2013) Implementation of business innovation model does also need to follow a measurable approach, which is helpful in maintaining a sustained performance of the application (McGrath, 2013) Conclusion Strategy making is often wrongly believed and are associated to those things, which are in actuality the mission and the objectives of the organizations. It is very important to understand the meaning of strategy before making or planning it. The success of strategy making depends heavily on its proper execution in the organizational practices. Thus, it becomes imperative for the organizations to have a measurable and solid approach while applying the prepared strategies. On a same note, the business innovation model is something, which needs to be accompanied with some solid ad measurable strategies behind the making of innovative approach. Innovation is something, which differentiates one organization from another. However, it is not necessarily needed to be something, which is new and is technically advanced. This is rather the hidden uniqueness, which is more important from the organizational perspectives. References Carlo, J. L., Lyytinen, K., Rose, G. M. (2012). A knowledge-based model of radical innovation in small software firms.MIS quarterly,36(3), 865-895. Chesbrough, H. 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